A Long Day…..

It has been a long day.  At dawn I was out to catch the first light of probably the last day of what has passed for freedom this year.   Tomorrow promises to bring more restrictions for most and sorrow for some.

So with this in mind we made a dash upto Liverpool to catch the Don McCullin exhibition.  McCullin is a wonderfully forceful photographer  who has recorded some of the worst things man can do to man over the last 60 years.   He has also been a huge influence on the photography that I make.   I didn’t really realise just how much until today as I stood by the display cabinet and saw McCullin’s work in the Sunday Times Magazine.   This is the same magazine I used to consume as a kid each Sunday and so perhaps without knowing it was exposed to his work.

As for the photographs well what can be said?   Nothing I guess other than I have seen many of them before and they don’t lose their power.

It has been a long day and I am tired.  Tomorrow I have the welcome task of sorting through the 1000 images I have captured today….There are worse ways of spending a day.

About Guthlac

An artist, historian and middle aged man who'se aim in life is to try and enjoy as much of it as he can
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  1. Pingback: Eastman Color… | Simon's Blog

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