See the old folks….


One of the joys(?) of not feeling too well whilst going around an art gallery is that you can just sit and people watch.  This happened to me on Wednesday at Tate Liverpool.   The cold, that I thought I was over with had other ideas and I found myself having to sit and catch my breath.  However, I didn’t waste my time instead I made a little sketch of one of the assistance busing herself with some of the labels for the art works and the above is based on that sketch.

If you happen to be passing the Tate Liverpool there is an excellent exhibition of John Piper’s work.   It struck me whilst sitting there that I have traveled all over the country to see Piper’s work but perhaps the best and probably least known of his works can be found in a 1960’s parish church building at St Andrew’s Church, Wolverhampton.   The  fabric of the building itself is starting to show sign of neglect and along with  just the whiff of damp to the air.  However the windows are still as beautiful as the day they were installed in the mid 1960’s.  If you a Piper fan then this is well worth the trip – as is the Tate Liverpool exhibition.

About Guthlac

An artist, historian and middle aged man who'se aim in life is to try and enjoy as much of it as he can
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