Ever Decreasing Circles…

What? This can’t be true! A nice summer’s day in this miserable June. Well yes it can be true and it was the perfect day to slowly criss cross rural east Leicestershire. The election seemed in another world and there was hardly any sign that an election campaign was under way. Yes there was the occasional sign endorsing a particular candidate but apart from that nothing. This really is a virtual campaign.

I could comment on what passes for a campaign on the Conservative side but what is the point? Just as you think they can’t make things worse they find new ways to disabuse your naivety. The latest disaster is the ever unfolding scandal of the aids to the Prime Minister betting on the date of the election – alleged behaviour that, if true, would be a blatant piece of insider dealing. Perhaps they might have got away with it but a policeman has been arrested and charged with similar behaviour so there is no chance of that. One rule for PC Plod another for the court flunkies around Sunack? Well that is what it looks like and just reignites all the anger about ‘Partygate

“They behaved like the most selfish of individuals, venal and stupid, all at the same time”

Tim Montgomery – Times Radio

So just a little amount of comment then! Still it was lovely day including the opportunity to capture my own version of ‘that’ Windows XP image – you know the one..

About Guthlac

An artist, historian and middle aged man who'se aim in life is to try and enjoy as much of it as he can
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1 Response to Ever Decreasing Circles…

  1. Pingback: Pleasant Country Aspect… – Plainly Painting – David Manley

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