Article: What Will the Smartphone Market Look Like in 2015?

Another interesting vision into the future.  How accurate will it be?    Well it is worth noting, as the article does, that a bright future was pedi ted for Symbian OS only for this to be proven wrong by events – the tie up between Microsoft and Nokia.  The only really questionable item in the report is why it should be ‘shocking’ that the iOS Market share will fall.  The iPhone run has been fantastic whilst it lasted but you just can’t compete with volume to drive innovation and this is what will happen with Android phones.  Apple will always have razzmatazz but very quickly the new ideas will be appearing on the Android group of phones.

What Will the Smartphone Market Look Like in 2015?

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About Guthlac

An artist, historian and middle aged man who'se aim in life is to try and enjoy as much of it as he can
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